Thursday, May 1, 2008


So-was having 10 min contractions all day Sat - we went for a walk and they stopped all together... but then started back up around midnight, but I could sleep and wasn't really timing them. But at 4am, WOW! That one hurt and I knew it hadn't been 15 min since the last one, so I started timing them. When Chris' alarm went off - I told him no work today - I knew this was it! I waited til they had been 5 min apart for about 3 hours before we called and drove in this time. MAN! The drive in they would space out and just when I would think they were stopping, WHAM! Another bad one. Of course, I was very nervous they would send me home again... but it had to be it. Around 9am, they got me settled in a room and checked me, I was 5cm, and almost completely thin. So I was staying. Started the IV etc and Dr Barnes was the one on call and he wanted to regulate the contractions a little more and put me on pitocin. The nurse (Kaley) was great. She was trying to hold off til I could get the epidural since I was already hurting so bad, but Dr Barnes finally insisted. I wish now, looking back, that I had been more forceful(or Chris) and said not before the epidural... anyway - I was in sooo much pain! It was almost 2 hours before the anesthesiologist came(and she was in a c/s with Dr Barnes-so he KNEW I didn't have the epi yet) Anyway-luckily it worked fast this time. I ended up having Mom and Dad leave the room until I could get it going though-I just couldn't handle the pain with them in there too. The epi was much better this time-I could move my legs on my own some, so it wore off quicker. Anyway- I pushed for about 20 min I guess and then it was time for delivery... and Mason Jude Rhoden was born @ 5:39pm weighing 6 lb 9 oz and being 19" long. Apgar 9/9 both times and he peed on the nurse LOL! He was just amazing! And while Chris went to get the boys and bring them in-all I could think is how blessed I am, but at the same time, I already missed being pregnant! I also made him move as much as I could before the epi-since I knew after that, I wouldn't feel those kicks and squirms anymore... it truly is bittersweet to give birth! The boys were excited to see and finally know their brother's name. Andrew wasn't ready to hold him, but Brandon did and he was so sweet. We let the boys go back out to the waiting area to tell everyone the name and then the grandparents came in and then Crystal and Joe - they both had to get to work. Everyone else waited patiently at the nursery window. Mason latched on right away to nurse and we had him there with us for right at the hour limit... then they took him and prepped me to go to the PP room. We were upset to learn his body temp was too low to bathe him, so they had to warm him, then bathe him, then warm him again before they brought him back to me in the room. Everyone was disappointed, and some of the visitors left with only seeing him in the window. FINALLY at almost 9:45pm, they brought him out. He was so very tiny! We ended up "making" Andrew hold him before he left though and the next day - it was all he could do to wait his turn...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Last OB appt

Went to see Dr Stenklyft for the last time today... NST turned out fine, but Baby Boy was NOT cooperating. Dr said he would be out of town until Sun night - so I told him the baby heard him and I would have him before he got back... He said "Nah-I'll see you Tues for the induction" I highly doubt it - that's just the way things have gone this pregnancy!

Monday, April 21, 2008

False alarm...

After having 15 min contractions that went to 5 min for 2 hrs-we went into the Dr to find out they were slowing and nothing much new was happening cervix wise... a little more dialted, but not labor. So we wait.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Making progress

So - been having LOTS of contractions for about 5 wks now... when I mentioned it to the Dr, he went ahead and checked my cervix and I am already 2cm and soft, but high. The good news in that is that means they can go ahead with the induction on the 29th. Amnio to check his lungs is the 28th - I'd rather not have it, but they won't induce without it - unless there is merconium, then they induce regardless. The contractions wake me at night most nights, and are coming more regular - I knew they were working - now I have proof!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Uncooperative Baby

First NST for him and he won't move enough(sleeping) so we had a BPP and he is fine... stubborn, but fine. We will have a BPP done every Mon, and see the OB every Thur for a NST, followed by a BPP if needed til he arrives. Bloodwork indicates the Urso is working to lower my levels... Have only gained 6 pounds. At the 4-3 appt they estimated his size to be 5 lb 15 oz, I am HIGHLY skeptical of that, since the other 2 boys were not that big and I am only 33w5d - that would put him at possibly 9 lb + ??? No way.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Itching like crazy...

So-the results are in- I have developed cholestasis... a liver condition brought on by hormones. The bile acids from my liver don't drain properly and build up in my blood, coming out through my skin in the form of itching. It will go away(with the itching) at birth or shortly there after. Bad news is it can be very serious for Baby Boy - so I have been put to high-risk and will see the perinatologist along with the OB. The baby's liver cannot handle the extra acids that pass over the placenta, so we will be watching him closely with u/s and bloodwork. Recommended course of treatment: take Urso to reduce the acid level and help prevent passing to baby and inducing no later than 38 wks... so it looks like we will NOT have a May baby after all...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Glucose Test

So-had the one hour glucose test today - failed with a 173... supposed to do the 3 hr one next. Met Dr. Barnes and everything was fine there-Baby Boy is doing great and the boys and Chris can feel him pretty much whenever they want. Well-except Chris-apparently he likes to tease Daddy!

update: After using Mom's glucometer for 5 days as if I were diagnosed GD, I decided to NOT do the 3 hr since none of my readings either fasting or after meals was elevated even close to the threshold... also started this insane amount of itching all over? At first I thought it was just growing - but now I don't itch much on my belly... but everywhere else without any rash etc... I am going in for a Bile Acid panel to make sure it's not a liver bile duct deficiency.

Oh-and also a new belly pic-from 27w 5d